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Nine miles feels like an ocean between us, but maybe it isn't.
It is the waves of circumstance crashing, threatening to pull us apart.
Could it be the Lost City of our hearts? Never to be found again, or
the island in the distance waiting to welcome us home?
The monsters of the deep have intruded upon our ships of consciousness
wanting to see us drown, but we won't.
The lighthouse of possibility can save our ship.
Nine miles feels like an ocean between us, but it's not.
Organically, I write. Not for the flowery completeness,
but for the seeds of inspiration that may come.
Back when I was underwater, I screamed for the air bubbles that drifted away. Back when I was underwater, I forgot the desire to swim.
The tides have calmed now, and like the sparrows above the clouds, I have realized my ability to fly through the shipwreck.
I must look for the lighthouse.
These were the moments that set the butterfly free from it's cocoon.
A total metamorphosis.
Like brush strokes on a canvas, you can never undo the paths you have taken; the mark you have left on your page.
This can be the best or worst realization... that's up to you.
Counting the moments was almost like not truly living them at all.
As time slipped away, you only took interest in the clock.
If life is to truly be lived, you must remain timeless and stop the clock
before it stops you.
A seed knows not of the infinite possibilities and immense beauty contained within. Similarly, you, darling, must learn to grow before you're ready to bloom into what you were designed to be. Give it time, and await the Spring.
The moment that takes your breath away,
that person that ignites something great within you,
circumstances in life that have the ability to awaken the gracious soul
inside. Reveal the beauty and chase that spark.
"I'll see you when I see you." Seven simple words with the promise of much.
Oh, who we may be when our paths cross again.
So much possibility, for this was not a goodbye.
Remembering the past can be bittersweet.
It can take you back to moments that shaped the "who" of your story.
Reflection can be good, but you must never stay there,
you must remember who holds the mirror.
Every emotion has the ability to create a world of complexities.
No tear is ever wasted, for it can saturate the potential of a new start.
Grasp on to the ever expanding purpose in your heart. It is in unexpected moments, leaps of faith, the wonder of it all that awakens the beauty within and around. Keep it beating.
Remember the joyful breath of complex simplicity when the silent fog may pass by.
Where has the inspiration gone? ​Is it hidden in plain sight? Or off to Neverland? Await the day you are no longer held back by that which does not help you. Breathe in the light and exhale your own.
The sun rises and you have another chance. A chance to rewrite the forgotten story, the chance to mend the hearts of shattered glass on the floor. Each day presents itself as grand moments to those who seek it out before the shadow of the moon begins to show.
I know not of what these words will produce, but I hold on to the hope that coincidence will turn into meant to be's and that something full of light will shine through these pages.
We must walk the tightrope of anxiety, uncertainty and disequilibrium in order to be pushed into something greater. Never forget about the safety net of hope that will catch you if you slip. The fear of falling should not stop us from taking the steps of faith to reach the destination we were always meant to.
Some of the best realities are hidden behind seemingly locked doors. It will only take the key to unlock the hallways of opportunistic doors.
The crescent moon illuminates a haze of lingering reverie that dances through the night of drifting scenes.
Through the difficulties it becomes easy to focus on every drop of acid rain exuding from the abyss of smog. Focus, focus, focus, on the beams of light trying so hard to reach out to you. Do not abandon ship; because your current situation does not determine your success, and the clearing of all the muck will give calm to the storm around your heart.
Loneliness is the unanswered echo amid the cavern, the whisper through the trees howling louder than wolves, for all that dare to listen.
Wrinkles are a sweet reminder of all the emotions unable to be contained within. They become the road map to all the moments passed, the journey so clearly taken. A ridge can be beautiful and full of history.
Has this parting clouded the retrospect of times spent together? Can it be that there is merely a glass box around what is and what was? the fragments can piece together again once the miles between us become simply footsteps.
Every moment of this poisonous substance's influence, it begins to shoot through my system, the circle of my mind is cycling - not able to go left or right. I want to know lines of clarity.
Respecting the nature of the shark is knowing that a drifting allure can sink its teeth into you when you give off the appearance of bait.
Remind me of yesterday, of the beauty flowing through the atmosphere. I want to sense how things were once more. The present is a gift for so many reasons. Remind me.
Going back to the train station where we first met, the aura of what once was still lingering in place. Speechless. Do these walls wonder what never was? A collision of hearts soaring past these tracks. Missing nostalgia as it departs again, on to new wondering.
The hurricane still has an eye to see the dew settling on the blades of grass.
It Is difficult to determine which is more delicate: the singular flower or the glass case around it. One has the ability to shatter, the other the ability to wither or grow. Each in this condition must be safeguarded.
This moment, frozen in time, like the ice crystals unable to turn into shards. Mid-breath, we release our shadows and go into the light. Our hearts melt, bleeding the past away. This moment, one worth risking hypothermic shock for. Reunited we could be. Spring is just around the corner and we could blossom anew.. and as I exhale, there you are.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, that a moment captured can never be repeated. Destined to a life of isolation within the albums of a chaotic reality. But darling, the moments with capturing have more value than pixels will ever be able to catch. The imprints of us, the universe may never forget.
I find fragments of you in this heart that bleeds hues of vibrant color; Invisible to those without an imprint of your existence.
Traveling is an education and I can't wait to start studying.
Like a rolling stone I feel tossed into this void of uncertainty. Unable to be formed by ever-changing views of the storm. A calm rushes in as I sit, like a sculpture, unfinished and waiting for the artists signature.
A simple breath, a push in the direction of hope is able to life an anchor out from the tides of fear. The purpose may hide within the jungle of an unseen island.
When a spider ensnares you, and your hope hands by a thread, know that the webbing that surrounds you has always been perforated in the intricate details by the light.
I sit in awe of the infinity of circumstances that have and have not been, atop the stones that held me back.
The fragments of memories, no matter how minuscule have the ability to create a beautiful mosaic; holding within it frozen moments of what preluded the now.
The enigma is the wilted petals of something once beautiful, and why it can once again flourish when winter melts away.
Would time stand still, or would we pass each other by, if we met in the city. Do we leave this on the shelf in the store of reminiscence, or walk the street of anew. The alleys echo our footprints.
Clear the smoke around the shimmering light.
Soak in the love and watch the tides settle into the sands.
Is your glass half empty, or half full? A new perspective drifts and flows like a waterfall.
Who can say what impact the tornado will have until the dust has settled?
A heart made of solid stone can never drift by the splash of euphoria.
Vines are a reminder that it is possible to seem tangled up and yet still be able to grow in the direction of the ethereal blue.
A dandelion seed dances through the beeeze, on an adventure. It has potential to bring a brightness to wherever it may settle. A wishful particle in the atmosphere.
Unpredictable and releasing energy at all times, the power plant stands and hopes to serve its purpose without the radiation outpouring onto the beauty it tries to sustain around.
A baroque sense of happenings sets the fog above the trees.
Glossy eyes reflect the melancholy of an iceberg, frozen in time, that floats above the deep ocean of despair.
The clouds appear formless without the sunlight. Unable to see the journey they are on, and without a shadow. The sun transforms the clouds as its rays shine throughout the horizon.
The ribbon can tie you to what matters and pull you to where you need to be. Let the strands come together and wrap you up.
A rustle in the grass does not always precede a stalking lion. The breeze swirls around the field and a calm sets in.
This ink is like the veins around my heart that connect me to you.
Beautiful things silhouette each moment and can be tucked away. Guarded under a pillowcase by gentle creatures until it must awaken and illuminate the dark.
You were an electric shock just strong enough to get the wave of reality through me.
The moon still views shooting stars despite the meteor shower capable of leaving craters in its wake.
Wonder and awe follow me in the aisle between the clouds. Adventure awaits.
Even when a garage is an oyster, some places just feel like home; geographically, and even a renewed emotion or long lost friendship reconciled. You can choose where to pay rent and eventually inhabit. This is what makes it home.
Butterflies in the stomach can be mistaken for moths.
Your footprint echoes in a corridor of my memory. Your preceding self was the nostalgia dancing in the saloon.
Is this exhaust or renewable energy? The rooted tree will know by the way it grows towards the many skies.
Why is it that unsaid goodbyes sting more than the parting word and the memory of you walking away? It is the comforting hug that never came, the train of thought that never left the station. Those atoms never came together and memories lost were never memories at all. The wonder of what was, is, and could be fills the empty space where our voices never met.
Moving on is like writing a sequel to a book that never left the shelf. As the story changed, you have to edit the emotions traced in your mind; the ones you thought were written in permanent marker, and move on. Write and rewrite this venture. Allow it to be a single chapter in your story. The author was an author before the ink hit the page, and before your heart was crumpled up like the drafts of a love story in progress.
Sometimes ribbons of incidents get tangled up, and sometimes they beautifully wrap around a box of dismay that becomes the gift of hopeful awaiting.
Even salt water appears to be clear. True clarity can only be seen with clear lenses. Filtration of a glass half empty helps even the deepest ocean. These waves of distress are not strong enough to pull you under. You have a life jacket by your side.
I can not let the glimmers of light fade into the background of the night. I will remember the contrast as the dawn breaks and await my North Star.
Sometimes a puzzle piece seems out of place until the whole picture has been seen.
A peaceful breath of fresh air shows me just when the spring has arrived. Beauty shows up when the rain of desolation evaporates under the bright sunrise.
How can these moments be the coffee on a calm morning, caffeine rushing through my veins; and the next a bitter taste at the back of my throat? These moments; my mind trying to make sense of them as they simmer in my mind and drift away like steam from the cup of instances until a new sip.
Ode To A Rhino
Glorious beast, your smokestack skin
Lining your bones as cobblestone lines the streets
To your enclosure
And your horns, atop your head
Like a crowned jewel, a mountain
Not to be peaked, and yet,
Voyagers have chipped away at your Alps
Not leaving one unscathed
And now your body turned to rubble
A reminder to those who couldn't reach the summit
That gravel turns to pebbles caught up in the heels of abettors.
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